Digital SME Accelerator Application Form

About You
First Name*
Last Name*
Phone Number*
LinkedIn Profile URL*
Your School or Workplace
About Your Team
Describe about you and your key team members in name, background, role in team, and unique skillsets.*
e.g., So Pheak, Student at RUPP, CEO, specialised in UX/UI design, etc. (Please list in separate line for each team member.)
How long have your team known each other and/or worked together? And why did you decide to team up?*
What makes this team strong and capable of overcoming challenges?*
About Your Startup
Startup Name *
Website URL
Founding Date*
Sector *
Describe your startup in just one sentence.*
Max Characters: 100
0 / 250
Describe the problem you are solving and why is it significant?*
Max Characters: 700
0 / 700
What is your proposed solution to this problem?*
Max Characters: 700
0 / 700
Why did you decide to work on it? Do you have domain expertise in this area?*
Max Characters: 700
0 / 700
How do or will you make money? How much could you make?*
We realize you cannot know precisely but give your best estimate. (Max Characters: 700)
0 / 700
Who are your competitors? And why are you better or different? *
Max Characters: 700
0 / 700
About the Accelerator program
What encouraged you to apply for Digital SME Accelerator program? *
Max Characters: 700
0 / 700
How much time can your team commit to the program?*
How did you hear about the Digital SME Accelerator?*
If you have anything else you'd like to share about your startup, please attach it here!
e.g., pitch deck, product demo video, etc. (Allow Attachment)